{ "Description": "Domain ownership verification file for Microsoft 365 - place in the website root", "Domain": "taml.co.nz", "Id": "02dc9a20-d4da-4a6c-a436-06c2eebacff8" } { "Description": "Domain ownership verification file for Microsoft 365 - place in the website root", "Domain": "taml.co.nz", "Id": "02dc9a20-d4da-4a6c-a436-06c2eebacff8" }
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Getting Started

Here at TAML we recognise that Preventive Maintenance is something that is easy to say but quite hard to implement. 

From a software perspective TAML are experts in the implementation of the Hardcat Preventive Maintenance module and have considerable experience is assisting organisations into what is often their first computerised maintenance management system (CMMS). 

The approach we use to the implementation is to carefully plan the implementation of the CMMS across the business selecting asset types that a low in number with regular routines and getting these running smaller examples running. 

As the implementation progresses the project moves on to more complex maintenance schedules including units of use and high volume items. 

For each type of asset requiring maintenance we ask three questions: 


Which assets require maintenance?

The first step is having a clearly defined list of assets. There is no value in generating Work Orders for plant that do not need to be maintained or don't exist. This will often involve locating each asset an capturing additional information that will assist in the maintenance process.   


What needs to be done and when?

These are referred to Tasks and the maintenance can cover anything from daily routines to Work Orders based on units of use. This may involve approaching suppliers to get the correct service schedules and manuals which are then stored against the Task.

This part of the setup also involves establishing the amount of time required to do the task, the qualifications required, any parts or consumables and health and safety requirements.    


Who is going to do it?  

This is the areas where most clients have difficulty. Once the requirements as above are set then who completes the task is the big question. Do you have the right qualified staff? Can existing staff be trained to do the task? Do you have enough man-hours available? Do you need to engage external contractors to fill in the gaps. 


TAML can guide you through this process or even do it all for you




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