{ "Description": "Domain ownership verification file for Microsoft 365 - place in the website root", "Domain": "taml.co.nz", "Id": "02dc9a20-d4da-4a6c-a436-06c2eebacff8" } { "Description": "Domain ownership verification file for Microsoft 365 - place in the website root", "Domain": "taml.co.nz", "Id": "02dc9a20-d4da-4a6c-a436-06c2eebacff8" }
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What is Quick Start?

TAML Quick Start uses our years of experience and our knowledge base to get your help desk up and running as fat as possible - often within one day. 

We provide and load for you template help desk structures relevant to the type of support e.g.Facilities, Information Technology, load the information relevant to your organisation e.g; locations, clients and support staff and you are ready for business.

Once you are up and running the process can be refined further and as your needs change. 

Contact us if your help desk needs a quick start


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